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03 Excel 2019 Expert Tutorial - Knowledgebase / MS OFFICE / Excel 2019 - Westview Co-op Helpdesk

03 Excel 2019 Expert Tutorial

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Excel 2019 Expert Tutorial:

Welcome to Microsoft Excel tutorial: Excel 2019 Expert.  If you haven’t yet be sure to complete the first two tutorials (Excel 2019 Beginners, and Excel 2019 Intermediate) to ensure you have a firm grasp of the basics which will provide for you a better understanding of concepts that continue throughout this series.

In this tutorial you will:

  1.  Dive into a deeper look at more Excel Functions and Calculations.
  2. Become more familiar with some of the tools of Microsoft Excel.
  3. Finally touch on the Developers Tab for Microsoft Excel.

Please note you will need to download a Sample File to complete this video tutorial. I have provided a link to the file in the Support Documents section below! 

This third tutorial is roughly 1.5 hours in length and is broken into chapters: 


Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Creating & Applying Named Ranges 1:24
Navigating with Named Ranges 9:42
IF Functions (Part 1) 11:26
IF Functions (Part 2) 15:17
Introduction to Nesting Functions 18:07
The Round Function 22:16
Formula Auditing Tools 25:39
Introduction to VLOOKUP 29:40
Database Functions – SUMIF & AVERAGEIF 38:37
Database Functions – SUMIFS 42:42
Text Functions 46:13
Consolidate by Position 53:17
Consolidate by Category 57:34
Goal Seek 1:00:31
Introduction to Data Tables 1:03:22
Data Tables 1:06:25
Scenario Manager 1:07:45
Macros – Adding the Developer Tab 1:12:28
Macros – Recording & Running the Header Macro 1:14:42
Macros – Visual Basic Editor & Form Control 1:20:29
Macros – Adding Macros to the Ribbon 1:25:02
Macros – Exercise 1:27:38

Support Documents:

Excel 2019 Expert (clean)

Additional Support Documentation: (Optional)

Excel 2019 Advanced - Handout

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