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01 Excel 2019 Beginner Tutorial - Knowledgebase / MS OFFICE / Excel 2019 - Westview Co-op Helpdesk

01 Excel 2019 Beginner Tutorial

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Excel 2019 Beginner Tutorial:

Keep in mind that this beginning tutorial does cover some of the extreme basics of the Microsoft Excel, however there are a number of interest tips and tricks throughout the video that will aid you in your day to day operations of Microsoft Excel.  I'm sure everyone will gain some kind of insight or knowledge they have not previously known when completing this tutorial.

What will you gain from this tutorial:

  1. Increased familiarity with Microsoft Excel names and common terminology.
  2. Improved navigation skills.
  3. Improved knowledge on keyboard shortcuts
  4. Basic understanding of Calculations, Formulas and Functions.
  5. Basic understanding of Spreadsheet Formatting.

This first tutorial is roughly 2 hours in length and is broken into chapters:


(Please note that these chapter links will open directly to YouTube)

Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Start Screen & Templates 0:59
Ribbon & Quick Access Toolbar 6:04
Backstage View 12:44
Smart Lookup & Tell Me 15:33
Interface 18:49
Navigation 22:36
Keyboard Shortcuts 26:03
Entering Text 30:18
Number Formats 36:08
Deleting & Formatting 40:20
AutoSum 44:55:01 Simple Formulas 49:29
Simple Functions (Part 1) 52:57
Simple Functions (Part 2) 59:18
Absolute Referencing 1:03:01
Moving & Copying Data 1:09:15
Inserting Rows & Columns 1:12:16
AutoFill 1:16:57
Cell Styles 1:22:52
Worksheet Themes 1:27:26
Excel Templates 1:32:40
Freeze Panes 1:35:39
Grouping Worksheets 1:41:01
Page Layout View 1:43:56
Custom Views 1:45:54
Spell Check 1:48:13
Printing 1:49:58

Support Documents:


Additional Support Documentation: (Optional)

Microsoft Excel 2019 Beginner - Handout

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Comment (1)

Chantelle Follack
Very informative, thanks for setting this up Don!

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