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Microsoft Azure PHISHING Attempt - News / General - Westview Co-op Helpdesk

Nov 17 2022

Microsoft Azure PHISHING Attempt

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Please note that there is another Phishing attempt going around trying to scare you into thinking your Microsoft 365 License is in violation and all your data will be DELETED.  This is 100% FAKE.  Do not click any links or open any attachments.   Please Delete this email.  This one is very convincing as the links do go to a Microsoft Azure Server… However, this server is not hosted by Microsoft.  It is a third-party private server. 

Key Red FLAGS:

  • Fear Mongering subject Line: “Your Azure data will be deleted on (Insert Date here)

  • Sense of Urgency: “Log in to save your important data…

Please see below an example of this email:

Screenshot 2022-11-17 103210.png

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