Well today has been another busy day for SCAMS and PHISHING emails.
This scam looks to identify its self as a Missed Conference Call with an attachment for listening to an Audio File of the missed Conference call. The attachment is in the form of a .html file (FIRST ALARM BELL) This is a good time to add a reminder that .htm or .html attachments almost always are done with malicious intent.
This phishing email even goes as far as attempting to display times and estimated missed call durations of the conference call. Additionally it adds some email addresses that look to be attendees of the conference call. The email addresses would have been legitimate before our move to using our standardized Firstname.Lastname email addresses (SECOND ALARM BELL).
It's important to note that the email arrives from outside our organization (THIRD ALARM BELL). If the email had been generated by our exchange with an audio message from Microsoft Teams. The email would have arrived to you from within our Organization and would not have been flagged with the CAUTION flag.
I have reviewed the code behind the attachment and have discovered that it opens a redirect to a malicious website that attempts to run a script to capture your Microsoft 365 login information.
Please DELETE the email and do NOT open any attachments
Below is an example of what the email may look like: (I have to admit that this has been the most convincing phishing attempting to date). This was a fantastic catch by one of our Team Members. When in doubt always ask and delete.
Don Guilbeault
IT Analyst
Westview Co-operative Association Limited
P. 403.556.3335 Option 2, 8| C. 403.899.9752 | F. 403.507.2405
P.O. Box 3970, Olds AB. T4H 1P6, Canada
don.guilbeault@westviewcoop.ca | www.westviewco-op.crs
Let us know how we are doing please fill out our guest survey www.westviewcares.ca
This email including attachments is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any redistribution or copying of this message is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately, by return email, and delete this email.
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